[Nulled] Capstone: Job Board WordPress Theme - 22355387 - Nulled Templates

Capstone: Job Board WordPress Theme – 22355387


Create a community of employers & candidates and get up and running within minutes. Moreover, you can monetize your job board by offering packages to this community.

Job boards can be complex applications having many moving parts, which not only requires senior level code expertise but if you hire a good developer it may cost thousands of dollars, not to mention months of time wasted. The good news? we already took care of it.

Comparison Chart | Capstone | Jobify | Workscout

White Label Dashboard

Advanced Filters

Custom Field Editor - Myles

Visibility - Myles

Bookmark Jobs and Resumes

Employer User Flow

Front-End Submission: A user can have access to the front-end job (or resume) submission, even without registration (configurable). However, you can configure your site to force user account creation at the time of submission or you can simply disable front-end submission for non-registered users.

Employer’s Dashboard: A user can get registered on your job board as an “employer” or “candidate” which will allow him/her access to a dedicated dashboard panel, where he can manage all listings associated with his account.

Manage Jobs (Add, Edit, Remove, Disable): Once the user has posted his listing (job or resume), he can manage listing from the dashboard, which means he can add new job vacancies, resumes, edit or disable existing listing or remove them altogether.

Renew Jobs: If you’ve assigned your job listing a deadline it’ll expire on due time and you can opt to renew the expired job if needed.

Job Applications: Once the job listing is approved and published you can accept job applications via different methods, you can define an external site from where you can accept application, you can provide an email address or you can accept job applications directly to your dashboard.

Job Bookmarks: In addition to handling own job listing(s), an employer can save or bookmark listings (resumes or jobs). The bookmarks would be available from the dashboard.

Candidate User Flow

Front-End Submission: Similar to jobs, a user can submit his resume/cv directly from the front-end without requiring user registration (configurable).

Candidate’s Dashboard: A user can get registered on your job board as a “candidate” which will allow him/her access to a dedicated dashboard panel, where he can manage all resume listing associated with his account and perform additional tasks.

Manage Resumes (Add, Edit, Remove, Disable): Once the user has posted his resume listing, he can manage listing from the dashboard, which means he can add new resumes, edit or disable existing listing or remove them altogether.

Job Applications: If the candidate has applied to any job directly on the website, he can see all his past applications listed in the dashboard for record purpose.

Bookmarks: While job-hunting if the candidates likes some job listing he can save or bookmark job listings right from the front-end. Later, he can access all his bookmarks from the dashboard.

Job Alerts: What is the best way to keep your users engaged with your website? With job alerts feature, you can offer your candidates a way to subscribe to your job listing with a given criteria (keywords, location, job type, email frequency etc).

Capstone Features


The theme requires various core functionality plugins, but you don’t need to buy them separately as they are bundled with the theme package. These add-ons includes:

Resume (enable candidates to upload their resume and list them)
Bookmarks (add the option to bookmark listings)
Job Alerts (enables you to schedule job alerts based on custom criteria)
Applications (provides job application management interface)
Application Deadline (enables a dead-line option for job listing)
Job Tags (used to fine‐grain your listings filtering)
Simple Listing Payment (sell a single listing spot at a fixed price)
Paid Listings (sell quantity based listing packages)
Loco Translate (translate theme to other languages – RTL not supported yet)


The theme also provides optimized integration for following paid plugins, some of these plugins may be previewed in demo but they are NOT included in the final theme package:

FacetWP (allows you to create custom filters)

WPJM – Field Editor (allows you to add/edit/delete new/existing fields and show them on relevant page)

WPJM – Visibility (allows you to define visibility criteria for any given custom field)

WPJM – Packages (allows you to offer packages to limit number of listing views and ability to apply or contact listing owner)

Private Messages (enable on-site private message among site users)
Social Connect (provides social login functionality)

Again to reiterate, the theme doesn’t come bundled with any of above mentioned paid plugins. They are paid add‐ons (optional) that extend the site functionality — we’re only offering a seamless visual interface integration, while support for each plugin (for plugin-specific issue) is offered by their authors.


– Powerful & Super Lightweight
– Easy Installation & Setup
– Fully Responsive
– Theme Customizer Support
– Page Templates (Default, Dashboard, Compact)
– Geo Location Detection (from IP address)
– Schema Type Support for Jobs Listing
– Live Ajax Search for Jobs & Resumes
– Font-Awesome Icons (retina-ready)
– Localization Ready
– Extensive Documentation
– Free Updates

Change Log

Please read and follow “Updating the Theme” section in the theme documentation if you are going to update an existing installation of the theme.

= V1.7.3 – 30 January, 2020 =(waiting for review)

  • Added: Ability to use numbered pagination for jobs/resume listing pages
  • Update: Companies directory will now show companies even with no open position
  • Update: Theme .POT file
  • Fixed: Private Messages plugin login link now points to front-end login form
  • UFixed: Compatibility issue with Myles “Search and Filtering” plugin

= V1.7.2 – 28 December, 2019 =

  • Update: Theme .POT file
  • Fixed: An issue where conditional-based candidate contact details were not being shown without any notice

= V1.7.1 – 21 December, 2019 =

  • Added: Ability to insert shortcode in job/resume description
  • Added: Ability to change order of resume experience and education modules
  • Added: Output of missing meta fields in the job preview page
  • Added: Ability to have same-name company profiles for different users
  • Fixed: An issue with facetWP integration where maps API was being called twice
  • Fixed: An issue with facetWP integration where it was showing expired listings even when not-allowed
  • Fixed: An issue where auto-selection of pricing package was not working as expected
  • Fixed: Private Message plugin method not being disabled for resumes
  • Fixed: Issue where purchased packages were re-appearing even after being disabled
  • Fixed: Admin panel showing no more than 10 job listings
  • Fixed: An issue where newly created jobs were showing “expired” notification when no expiry was set
  • Fixed: Issue where dashboard icons were not importing correctly
  • Removed: Email notification to employer/candidate on job/resume approval
  • Removed: Email notification to candidate on resume expiry
  • Changed: Single blog post, job listing, resume title from



    for SEO purposes

= V1.7.0 – 26 August, 2019 =

  • Added: FacetWP plugin integration (allows you to create custom filters)
  • Added: Job listing expiry notification banner
  • Added: Option to disable page title on regular pages
  • Added: Ability to replace hero search module with custom form shortcode
  • Added: Ability to provide text template for job/resume description field
  • Improved: Listing Spotlight module
  • Improved: Split Google API keys into server-side & client-side keys

= V1.6.3 – 01 July, 2019 =

  • Improved: Handling for horizontal company logo
  • Added: Taxonomies Grid module for beaver builder
  • Added: Google location autocomplete option
  • Added: Email notification to employer/candidate on job/resume approval
  • Added: Email notification to candidate on resume expiry
  • Added: Print single job/resume link
  • Added: Map zoom handler in customizer

= V1.6.2 – 18 June, 2019 =

  • Fixed: BeaverBuilder full-width row issue
  • Fixed: Application deadline now respects WordPress global date format
  • Added: Ability to show pricing even with custom description

= V1.6.1 – 05 June, 2019 =

  • Added: Ability to disable repurchase of submission packages
  • Added: Ability to display custom term description (job + resume)
  • Added: Ability to automatically create and assign new company term on job submission
  • Added: Indeed and ZipRecruiter integration add-ons
  • Improved: Simplified WP Job Manager native application method (URL + email)

= V1.6.0 – 10 May, 2019 =

  • Added: Moved from “Meta Based” classification to “Taxonomy Based” classification for Companies
  • Added: Ability to assign companies to users (user-specific companies)
  • Added: Dashboard “Quick Links” feature
  • Added: Dashboard “Account Navigation” menu
  • Added: HTML5 Geolocation Method for “Location” field
  • Added: Support for predefined “Job Regions” plugin (with “regions” taxonomy)
  • Added: “Location” field mask settings in customizer
  • Added: Ability to customize search module (job + resume)
  • Added: “Login” indicator to the “Account Menu” icon
  • Added: Select2.js dropdown field styling (introduced in-place of chosen.js)
  • Added: Extendable “More Actions” links module in listing detail pages (job + resume)
  • Added: Output locations for “Field Editor” plugin in listing preview pages (job + resume)
  • Added: Additional output locations for “Field Editor” plugin in listing detail pages (job + resume)
  • Added: Auto job excerpt feature for master job listings
  • Fixed: long string styling issue in some places
  • Fixed: Some IE 11 related styling issues
  • Fixed: Some menu issues when moving from mobile to desktop view and vice versa
  • Fixed: Intermidiary page flash issue when package is selected from “Pricing” page
  • Fixed: Mobile CTA URL was different from Desktop CTA URL.
  • Fixed: Issue where “resume” file download link was not displaying correctly
  • Fixed: Issue where “Field Editor” plugin was displaying duplicate fields
  • Fixed: Related job/resume widget showing current single listing
  • Improved: Header CTA now points to “Resume Submission” if “Candidate” logged in
  • Improved: Now “Employer” and “Candidate” roles are not hardcoded in the core
  • Improved: Styling for some elements of application form
  • Improved: Styling for some elements of “Field Editor” plugin form
  • Improved: Logout link styling in dashboard
  • Improved: Updated bundled plugins
  • Improved: Login attempt from bookmark/application popups, job/resume submission forms now redirects back
  • Improved: Styling for WP Editor “Insert Link” popup

= V1.5.2 – 07 March, 2019 =

  • Fixed: “Location” field echoing wrong location in some instances
  • Fixed: bookmark link for single resumes
  • Fixed: page builder “Jobs” module showing only non-featured listings

= V1.5.1 – 04 March, 2019 =

  • Fixed: an issue introduced by WP Job Manager 1.32.2 which was causing issues with job submission
  • Fixed: an issue which was causing 500 internal server error in some scenarios triggered by theme activation
  • Fixed: styling of pricing panels when sale price is activated

= V1.5 – 27 February, 2019 =

  • Added: core functionality plugins with the theme package
  • Added: support for “WP Job Manager Field Editor” plugin, allows you to add/edit/delete new/existing fields and show them on relevant page
  • Added: support for “WP Job Manager Visibility” plugin, allows you to define visibility criteria for any given custom field
  • Added: support for “WP Job Manager Packages” plugin, allows you to offer packages to limit number of listing views and ability to apply or contact listing owner
  • Added: customizer option to configure header CTA button
  • Added: 6 additional sidebars to easily manage widgets in job, resume and companies master and detail pages
  • Improved: design for custom fields module in detail job/resume/company listing page
  • Fixed: a few bugs

= V1.4.1 – 21 January, 2019 = (read release note for upgrade: https://bit.ly/2RKeYOv)

  • Fixed: map scrolling on mobile devices
  • Fixed: a few issues which were causing issues when some features are disabled
  • Modified: some performance tweaks

= V1.4 – 21 January, 2019 = (read release note for upgrade: https://bit.ly/2RKeYOv)

  • Added: “Companies” listing and profile pages
  • Added: “Private Messages” plugin integration
  • Added: “Explore” menu item to browse taxonomies directly from the menu
  • Added: “Mapbox” map to jobs and resume archive pages
  • Added: option to change header stickiness behaviour
  • Added: option to change social profiles order
  • Added: an additional menu location to access dashboard pages from main site header
  • Added: two menu locations to “Dashboard Template”
  • Added: ability to setup role-specific custom “Dashboard Welcome Messages”
  • Added: ability to resize primary and dashboard logo from customizer
  • Added: ability to adjust height of site header from customizer
  • Added: ability to change default preloader icon
  • Added: a few “action hooks”
  • Improved: re-designed mobile menu for better user-experience
  • Modified: Dashboard page types are marked in “Customizer” now, instead of “Meta Panel”
  • Modified: Compact page types are marked in “Customizer” now, instead of “Meta Panel”
  • Fixed: Added some missing translation strings
  • Fixed: a few bugs

= V1.3 – 28 December, 2018 =

  • Added following fields to the job submission form
    • Salary Field (use `capstone_job_salary_options` to change options)
    • Career Level Field (use `capstone_job_career_level_options` to change options)
    • Experience Field (use `capstone_job_experience_options` to change options)
    • Qualification Field (use `capstone_job_qualification_options` to change options)
    • Job Excerpt Field (to display a short summary about the job)
    • Company Size (use `capstone_company_size_options` to change options)
    • Company Location
    • Company Description
  • Added newly added job-specific meta fields to single job listing page
  • Added ability to change order + visibility of different elements in job archive page sidebar
  • Added ability to change order + visibility of different elements in single job listing page
  • Job tags now support Icons
  • Extended site footer with extra elements
  • Improved form styling for “Restrict Content Pro”
  • Added various hooks to master job listing page and detail job listing page
  • In dashboard template, switched “logout” link and “go back to site” positions for better UX

= V1.2.1 – 21 December, 2018 =

  • Added some hooks to various pages
  • Fixed an issue which was causing installation of an older plugin version
  • Fixed a deprecated warning for PHP 7.2

= V1.2: 18 December, 2018 =

  • Improved styling of Forms
  • Added Customizer options to control accent colors (for modern browsers)
  • Added Customizer options to control background images (for modern browsers)

= V1.1.1: 10 December, 2018 =

  • Styling Improvements for various small elements

= V1.1: 5 December, 2018 =

  • Integrated MerlinWP (a better theme on-boarding experience)

= V1.0 – 5 December, 2018 =

  • Initial realease of the theme